Based in Sydney, Phillip completed a Masters of Architecture in 2018 from the University of Technology Sydney. Phillip joined CO-AP (Architects) in 2015 and has both worked on - and completed - a diverse range of builds including houses, apartments, showrooms, events and educational projects.
Phillip also dedicates his time organising initiatives in advocating and representing a large network of young architects through EmAGN NSW (Emerging Architects and Graduates Network) - a membership demographic of the Australian Institute of Architects. He became a committee member of EmAGN NSW in 2019 before being appointed as a Co-Chair in 2022.
He is passionate about architecture, design, photography and travel.
Architecture has the potential to connect us to future realities and alternate realities we can only imagine - whether this is through built form or through an idea presented on a page.
A+ Member | Australian Institute of Architects
RAIA Grad. | Member Number: 202269
2011: "Machines' featured on UTS Architecture website, as part of the subject Architectural Design: Forming.
2011: Series of work exhibited in the annual UTS INDEX show.
2013: Volunteer work in Cambodia as part of the Construction in Developing Communities winter elective with Michael Err.
2014: Attended studio program in Seoul, Korea, as part of a summer elective, Global Studio: Interior and Spatial Design, in collaboration with interior and spatial design students.
2014: Part of an intensive studio program, 'Urban Islands', in collaboration with Bureau Spectacular from LA.
2015: Selected for UTS LA and Chicago Architecture trip, involving travel to the US with Dean Desley Luscombe and Head of School Anthony Burke.
2015: Series of photographic work exhibited at Bondi Pavilion Gallery for a group exhibition. The series titled 'Why not here?' documented a typology of mundane spaces within the urban fabric being transformed at night, shot in medium format film.
2015: 'Urban Innovation Ideas, George Street 2020' competition entry showcased in Customs House after being selected as a shortlisted entry. Project with Diana Bui.
2016: Final semester work exhibited in the annual UTS INDEX show. Selected for work to be presented in front of an audience as a part of a 'Pecha Kucha'.
2017: Presented final semester work at 'Big Ideas in Place', part of Place Leaders Asia Pacific Conference 2017 presented as part of Vivid Ideas.
2018: Involved in the design, documentation and assisting in the construction of a small house in Cambodia as part of a University elective. The part required communication directly with client, consultants and builder, and the organisation of work between a group of undergraduate students during construction.
2020: Competition entry shortlisted for 'Vale De Moses' competition run by Bee Breeders. Project with Christofer Cattell.